Educational Games Cake Sale
( Educational, Guessing, Literature, Memory, Pen and Paper )Each player is given a card or sheet of paper prepared with the following questions or they may be dictated at the time. The one wins who has the largest number of answers correct.
What kind of cake would you buy for–
1. Sculptors (Marble cake.)
2. Politicians (Plum cake.)
3. Geologists (Layer cake.)
4. Advertisers (Cream puffs.)
5. Dairymen (Cream cake.)
6. Milliners (Ribbon cake.)
7. His Satanic Majesty (Angels food.)
8. Babies (Patty cakes.)
9. Lovers (Kisses.)
10. The betrothed (Brides cake.)
11. Gossips (Spice cake.)
12. Carpenters (Plain (plane) cake.)
13. Idlers (Loaf cake.)
14. Pugilists (Pound cake.)
15. One who lives on his friends (Sponge cake.)
16. Dynamiters (Raisin cake.)
17. Invalids (Delicate cake.)
18. Convalescents (Sunshine cake.)
19. “Boodlers” (Dough-nuts.)
20. Those who sample all these too much (Stomach ache.)