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Handball Games Schoolroom Volley Ball

( Handball, Kickball, Physical Contest, Team Wars and Battle, Volleyball )

The players are divided into two teams and the players in each team number consecutively. A net or string is placed across the schoolroom dividing it into two equal parts. The top should be six feet from the floor. The game consists in batting the ball with the hand back and forth over the string a point being scored by either team whenever its opponents allow the ball to touch the floor. The ball may be batted (not thrown) in any way but by only one hand at a time.

The players stand in the aisles each having a required place in which to stand.

The game starts by No. 1 on either side serving the ball that is tossing it up with the left hand and batting it with the right trying to get the ball over the net or string to the opposing side.

Two fouls in succession (failing to bat the ball over the net) changes the serve to the other side otherwise the server continues until the ball is returned by the opposite side and not returned by the servers side. When this happens the serve changes to No. 1 of team 2 then to No. 2 of team 1 then to No. 2 of 2 etc.

The game continues until all players have served or the game may be played with time limits that is the team wins which has the highest score at the end of a ten-or fifteen-minute period.

Every time that the ball touches the floor (not a desk) it scores against that side on which it falls counting one point for the opposing team irrespective of which team served the ball.

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