BeanBag Games Jump The Bean Bag
( BeanBag, Leapfrog, Relay Race, Running, Tag )The class is divided into two equal divisions or teams. The teams stand in opposite outside aisles and face the center of the room. The game consists in a contest between the two divisions as to which shall finish first in the following relay here described for one team.
The leader at the head or front of the line having the bean bag in his hand runs down the first aisle toward the rear places the bean bag on the center seat of the row to his left (second row from standing line) vaults over the seat and runs up the next aisle to the front of the room and so to the head of his division. He tags the player standing at the head of the line and passes behind the line to the rear taking his place at the foot.
The player who has been tagged at the head of the line immediately runs down the first aisle takes the bean bag from the seat vaults over the seat and passes down the next aisle to the rear of the room and so to the foot of his line. He hands the bean bag to the player next to him who passes it to his neighbor and so it is passed up to the head of the line.
The player at the head of the line immediately upon receiving the bean bag runs down the first aisle places it on the seat vaults over the seat to the next aisle and so to the head of his line where he tags the player who has moved up to his place.
The game thus consists in an alternate placing and taking of the bag from the seat. The player who places the bag returns to the head of the line to tag the player standing there and then passes behind the line to the foot the player taking the bean bag returns to the rear of his line and passes the bean bag up the line.
The division whose original leader first gets back to his starting place wins the game.