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Jumprope Games Large Single Rope And Small Individual Rope

( Jumprope, Physical Contest, Running )

While two turners keep the large rope turning a player turning and skipping his own small rope goes through the following feats —

1. The player stands in and jumps five times both the large and small ropes starting together. He then runs out forward.

2. While turning and skipping his own individual rope the player runs under the large rope.

3. The player runs in while his own rope is turning jumps five times and runs out on the opposite side.

4. The player stands in jumps five times and runs out backward.

5. The player runs in while turning his individual rope backward jumps three times and runs out.

6. A player jumps in the large rope at the same time turning and jumping in his own individual rope. Another player runs in facing him in the small rope jumps with him and then runs out again without stopping either rope.

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