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Command and Response Games One Large Rope

( Command and Response, Jumprope, Physical Contest, Running )

1. The rope should be turned toward the jumper who should run under.

2. Rope turned away from the jumper who runs under.

3. Run in jump once and run out on the opposite side the rope turned toward jumper.

4. Run in jump once run out on the opposite side rope turned away from jumper.

5. Repeat 3 and 4 jumping five or more times before running out.

6. Run in jump once and run out backward.

7. The player runs in and jumps while the turners say “Salt pepper mustard cider vinegar ” increasing the speed with which the rope is turned as the word vinegar is said.

8. “Rock the Cradle.” The turners of the rope do not make a complete circle with it but swing it from side to side in a pendulum motion. In this position the player runs in and jumps from one to five times and runs out on the other side.

9. Run in ( a ) with the rope turned toward the jumper and then ( b ) away from the jumper and jump five times and run out the hands meanwhile being placed in some particular position such as held out sideways at shoulder level clasped behind placed on the shoulders or head or hips etc.

10. Run in first with the rope turned toward the jumper and then away from the jumper and jump in various ways–as on both feet at once on one foot on the other foot on alternate feet with a rocking step changing from one foot to the other.

11. “Chase the Fox.” The jumpers instead of taking single turns until each has missed choose a leader or fox who goes through the various jumps as described all of the others following in single file. For instance the fox runs under the rope without skipping the others all follow. The fox then turns and runs back the others follow. The fox runs in and takes any of the jumps described above and runs out the others in turn following.

12. Repeat all of the above jumps running in in pairs threes etc.

13. “Calling in.” A player runs in and jumps three times calling some one in by name on the second jump. They jump once together and the first player runs out on the opposite side. The second player in turn calls some one in on his second jump etc.

14. A player runs in calls some one in on the first jump and continues jumping to five and then runs out. The player called in calls another on his first jump etc. until there are five jumping at one time. It will probably be necessary for players to run out on opposite sides.

15. “Begging.” Two players run into the rope and jump together side by side. While jumping they change places. One player starts this by saying “Give me some bread and butter ” and the other while changing answers “Try my next-door neighbor.” This is continued until one trips.

16. A player runs in turns halfway around in two jumps and runs out on the same side.

17. A player runs in turns all the way around in two jumps and runs out on the opposite side.

18. “Winding the Clock.” A player runs in counts consecutively from one to twelve turning halfway around each time and then runs out.

19. “Drop the Handkerchief.” A player runs in and while skipping drops his handkerchief and on the next jump picks it up again reciting the lines —

“Lady lady drop your handkerchief
Lady lady pick it up.”

20. “Baking Bread.” A player runs in with a stone in his hand and while jumping places it on the ground straightens up picks up the stone again and runs out.

21. A player runs in and works his way while skipping toward one end of the rope. He says to the turner at that end “Father give me the key.” The turner says “Go to your mother.” The player then jumps to the opposite end of the rope and says “Mother give me the key ” and the turner at that end answers “Go to your father.” This is continued a certain number of times or until the player trips.

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