Chase and Catch Games Prisoners Base Ii
( Chase and Catch, Command and Response, Defense and Attack, Hunting, Strategy, Tag, Team Wars and Battle )Two captains are chosen who select players alternately until all are disposed in two parties of equal numbers. A large goal is marked off at each end of the ground with a small base or prison in one rear corner of it. The wide open space between the goals is neutral territory. The objects of the game are to enter the opponents goal or to make prisoners of all of his men. The entrance of one player within the enemys home goal means victory for his side. As one player advances for this purpose or “gives a dare ” the opponents send out a player to tag him when the first side immediately sends out a second player to “cover” or protect the darer by trying to tag his opponent. The first side then sends out a second player to “cover” their first man. He is at liberty to tag either of the other two players. In this way any or all of the players may be out at one time though it is unwise to leave the goal unguarded. Any player may tag any man from the opposite side who left his goal before he did but none who came out after he did. Whenever a player returns to his home goal which he may do at any time the man who went out to cover him must return also and of course the man who went out to cover this second one etc. The issuing forth of players or their return to the home goal is subject at all times to the direction of the captain though much independence of judgment should be exercised by the various players. The captain may also designate one player to guard the home goal and one to guard the prisoners whenever he chooses.
Any player caught (tagged) is placed in the opponents prison (“prisoners base”) where he must remain until rescued by one of his own side. The prisoner may reach as far out of the prison as possible so long as one foot is within it. When there are several prisoners they may take hold of hands or otherwise touch each other as by the feet (this is optional with the prisoners) and reach forward as far as possible to be tagged by a rescuer so long as one of them (the last caught) keeps one foot within the prison goal. In such a line the first one caught should be farthest from the prison the next one caught holding his hand and so on in the order of capture. A guard should always be at hand to intercept any attempts at rescue. A prisoner and his rescuer may not be tagged while returning home but the rescuer may be tagged before he touches the prisoner. One rescuer may free only one prisoner at a time. Whenever a player is caught all of the others return to their home goals (except prisoners) and a fresh start is made in the game.
Much finessing is possible by engaging the enemy on one side of the ground while a good runner is held in reserve to dash into the enemys goal on the other side. Or one player may by a wide detour creep around unnoticed to the rear of the enemys goal and enter it from that side.
Each side should have a captain to maintain discipline to take general direction of the game and to decide with the opposing captain any disputed points.
Sometimes a “dare line” is drawn a few feet in front of each home goal which challenges the opponents to a special thrill of venturesomeness. The game in this form as a small boy said is “the national game of Minneapolis.”