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Choreographed Games Hand Ball Drill Advanced

( Choreographed, Handball, Physical Contest )


1. Toss or throw the ball straight upward as high as possible catch it in one hand (right then left) with palm upward .

2. Toss or throw the ball straight upward as high as possible catch it in one hand (right then left) palm outward (“dog snack”).

3. Hold out one arm say the left straight in front at shoulder level holding the ball in the right hand swing the right arm outward in a full circle toss the ball upward from under the outstretched arm and catch with the hand that threw palm outward .

4. Repeat this throwing with the left hand holding out the right.

5. Toss the ball sideways over ones own head and catch on the opposite side. This is done as follows Holding the ball in the right hand swing the right arm out sideways and from about shoulder level toss the ball over the head toward the left side. Catch it on the left side near shoulder level with the left hand palm upward or outward.

6. Reverse tossing from the left hand and catching with the right.

7. Toss the ball under the upraised knee as follows Holding the ball in the right hand raise the right knee upward bent at an angle swing the right arm in circle outward and toss the ball upward from under the knee that is from the inner side of the leg catch with the hand that threw palm outward . Repeat with the left hand and knee.

8. Throw the ball upward behind the back so that it comes forward over the opposite shoulder as follows Holding the ball in the right hand circle the right arm outward bend the arm behind the back toss the ball upward over the left shoulder and catch it over the head or in front with the hand that threw palm outward. Reverse using the left arm and throwing over the right shoulder. When this is first tried the ball may not be thrown very high or very well as to direction but it is a fascinating throw to practice and may soon be done with a high toss and very accurately.

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